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The end is in sight. All sorts of prizes from past laps are hanging off the boy. Beads, shirts, and other bits a baubles. One thing is missing: the hat. The hat is necessary. The stripes of gold, purple, and green are a tempting prize. Every year, this is the prize that everyone works for. Walking for miles and miles, raising money for the school, all for these cheap prizes. That doesn't make it less motivating however. Regardless of price, the drive is there to walk all fifty laps.


The ending is always absent of fanfare. The buildup and anticipation are far greater than any prize could possibly be. After the event is over, the day is still young. The banners are taken down and the trash is cleaned up.


The boy is taken into town. It's a short drive. Maybe five minutes at the most. There's a malt shop on the corner in Montclair village. A chocolate vanilla swirl is the perfect way to end the say. The only downside is that they refuse to serve tigers.  



The Final Lap

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